2024 Keynote Speakers
Keynote speakers play an important role at ATO – to set the tone for each day’s programming and touch on topics we (and they) feel are important to a wide range of attendees.
This year’s keynote lineup includes thought leaders from all over the globe, and each session is guaranteed to be both educational and entertaining.
All keynote talks will be delivered on the main stage in the 4th floor ballrooms at the Raleigh Convention Center. Keynotes will take place on both Monday, October 28 and Tuesday, October 29.
Monday, October 28
Jono Bacon
Founder, Jono Bacon Consulting
Keynote Block Emcee
Craig McLuckie
Co-creator of Kubernetes, CEO, Stacklok
Talk Title: Community-centric approaches to securing AI-generated code
Adhithi Ravichandran
Software Consultant, Author, and Speaker, Surya Consulting, Inc.
Talk Title: Thriving in Tech: A Developer’s Guide to Adaptability and Entrepreneurial Success
Timothy Jordan
Director of Developer Relations and Open Source, Google
Talk Title: Google Summer of Code: Celebrating 20 years of supporting open source
Edidiong Asikpo
Senior Developer Advocate
Talk Title: Navigating the Surge: the Growth and Impact of Open Source in Africa
Max Howell
Creator of Homebrew, tea Protocol
Talk Title: The Problem With Maintaining Open Source and How tea Protocol Solves it
Jay Lacroix
Founder, Learn Linux TV
Talk Title: Exclusion in Open Source: How Alienating Developers Hurts Linux Growth
Lisa-Marie Namphy
Director, Developer Relations, Inuit
Talk Title TBA
Tuesday, October 29
*note, an additional keynote speaker for Tuesday will be named soon
Kelly Vaughn
Director of Engineering, Spot AI
Talk Title: LinkedIn Hot Seat: How to optimize your LinkedIn profile to network and find your next job
Jack Cable
Senior Technical Advisor, US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
Talk Title: The U.S. Government’s Approach to Open Source Security
Chris Coyier
Co-founder, CodePen
Talk Title Designing DX
*Friday, September 13 is the final day for $149 pricing