Craig McLuckie
Craig McLuckie is the CEO of Stacklok, a community-centric software supply chain security startup. He is an experienced startup founder and leader in the open source ecosystem and cloud computing. Craig is a co-founder of Kubernetes, the open source container orchestration platform. He also bootstrapped and chaired the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, an open source, vendor-neutral hub and host for multiple cloud native open source projects.
After launching those initiatives at Google, Craig co-founded the startup Heptio with Kubernetes co-creator Joe Beda, to support enterprise adoption of Kubernetes. Heptio was acquired in 2018 by VMware, where Craig served as VP R&D for the Tanzu business. While at VMware, Craig sponsored key innovation efforts like Tanzu Application Platform, a logical successor to Pivotal Cloud Foundry, and managed the Spring engineering team, amongst other developer-focused efforts.