Lauren Maffeo's headshot

Lauren Maffeo

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Lauren is an award-winning author, analyst, and digital systems designer for the U.S. government. She currently works on the founding Digital Service team at the State of Maryland’s Department of Labor, where her team is building the first cloud-native platform to provide paid caregiver leave in Maryland. Lauren’s first book, Designing Data Governance from the Ground Up, was published by The Pragmatic Programmers and adapted into two LinkedIn Learning courses. She also wrote an essay for the book 97 Things Every Application Security Professional Should Know, published by O’Reilly Media, and co-edited the textbook Mitigating Bias in Machine Learning, published by McGraw Hill. Lauren is a former community correspondent for, wrote a chapter on inclusive communities for The Open Source Way guidebook, and speaks at open source events around the world, including DrupalCon North America, the Open Source Summits in North America and Europe, and (of course!) All Things Open.

Pronouns: She/Her