Session: Mecha – Build computing in the real world
At Mecha, we are building open computing hardware backed with extensive open-source software support – our first hardware Mecha Comet is a programmable handheld computer. This talk will explore building on hardware for everyone, starting from hobbyist projects to scaling up real-world applications combined with telemetry, networking and transparent security that merges edge and cloud computing in a unified computing fabric.
The talk will also include a demo of our hardware and cloud platform and cover the following topics
- Introduce Mecha as an open hardware and software company, our hardware and computing platform
- Challenges of the closed ecosystem hardware around us.
- Unlocking hardware for everyone, building applications that interact with the physical world.
- Implementing connected computing with Telemetry, Networking and Security, the open-source way.
- Usecases/Demos
- Our commitment to open source, and our open-source projects.
- The Mecha Pilot program and how you can get involved and contribute.
Mecha is a Linux Foundation and Cloud-Native Computing Foundation member.
This session will be recorded