Session: Columnar Storage: Redefining Data Management for the Modern Era

Columnar databases are becoming the preferred choice for data warehousing and analytics, offering efficiency and scalability for large-scale data processing. Unlike traditional row-based databases, which can create performance bottlenecks, columnar storage optimizes data retrieval by organizing information in columns.

In this session, we will explore how to leverage open-source technologies like Apache Arrow, Apache Parquet, and popular analytics libraries such as Pandas to build the foundations of a performant analytics application. We will discuss best practices for implementation and showcase real-world customer use cases that demonstrate how adopting columnar storage can enhance query performance and reduce storage costs. Attendees will discover additional open-source resources that can help unlock the full potential of their analytics workflows. Join us to see how redefining your data management strategy with columnar storage can drive insightful decision-making in your organization.
