Session: Building Vibrant Open Source Communities: Lessons from Rocky Linux and CNCF

Building a thriving community around your open source projects requires more than just throwing code up on GitHub and opening the contribution floodgates. Effective community cultivation demands strategic planning and deliberate execution.

In this session, we’ll dive into real-world experiences managing the community for Rocky Linux within the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation (RESF), as well as projects hosted by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). You’ll gain insights into tactics that have succeeded and pitfalls encountered along the way.

We’ll explore the comprehensive community engagement strategies employed for Rocky Linux to become a self-sustaining, community-driven Linux distribution. From documentation and communication practices to governance and codes of conduct – we’ll cover the key elements that empower the Rocky Linux contributor base.

Additionally, you’ll learn about various processes and health metrics utilized to actively measure and nurture continued robust engagement within its open source communities over time. Strategies for energizing quiet communities, managing growth challenges, and keeping contributors motivated long-term will be discussed.

Whether you’re starting a new open source initiative like Rocky Linux or looking to reinvigorate an existing one, this session will provide a candid look at real community building experiences and equip you with a practical framework for fostering vibrant, sustainable open source communities.

This session will be recorded
