Health and Safety

Last updated May 2024.

All Things Open 2024 Health Policy

At All Things Open, we value the well-being of our community. At this time, we do not have vaccine or testing requirements to attend our event in October 2024. We will continue to monitor the health situation both locally and world-wide and will update the status of our attendance policy requirements if needed. Masks and health checks will not be required. We encourage each attendee to respect the decision of those around them who choose to wear or not wear a mask. The Raleigh Convention Center will provide numerous hand sanitation stations throughout the venue. We ask any attendee who is exhibiting signs of sickness or has tested positive for COVID-19 to remain at home. If you are traveling to our event from outside of the United States, please check if there are any requirements for entry.

As always, if you have any concerns, please feel free to contact our staff at [email protected].