2024 Sticker Table

Loads of attendees are consistently gathered round to give one/take one, or to simply gaze at the hundreds of stickers on display. We’re thrilled to again host the Sticker Table at ATO 2024, and we hope many reading this will stop by.

Simply put, two tables in the main lobby area of the Raleigh Convention Center used to distribute and trade tech stickers. We (the ATO team) will make our official 2024 stickers available here, and we encourage everyone to make stickers available here also.

Yes, absolutely. All stickers available on the tables will be free.

Yes, stickers need to be tech-oriented and they need to meet our code of conduct

While all stickers on the table are available for the taking, it would be great if those taking also left one as well. This way, the supply is continually replenished and a good variety is ensured. Take one/give one is also “in the spirit” of open source and All Things Open. *Note, giving one is not mandatory, only encouraged.

The wonderful teams at GitLab and Redis are making the table possible – and we are beyond grateful. Be sure to reach out pre-event and say “thanks!” or stop by their exhibit tables at the show.