Session: Cilium and Istio: better together with CAKES

Previous generations of networking made up of point solutions organized by Conway’s law are inconsistent, incompatible, and slow down developers. Modern application architectures based on microservices, containers, and APIs need a modern approach to networking. CNCF projects like Cilium and Istio both provide compelling networking solutions for Platform Engineers but also have some overlap. In this talk, we introduce the concept of “the CAKES stack” for modern application networking based on CNCF projects: (C)ilium, (A)mbient mesh, (K)ubernetes, (E)nvoy, and (S)PIFFE/SPIRE. A twist on the stack, BAKES, includes (B) for a platform’s internal developer portal which ties everything together. Each layer in the “cake” was specifically chosen as it represents the “best of breed” for the role required. These technologies come together to provide a consistent solution for zero trust, observability, ingress/egress, traffic control and significantly improved developer experience and velocity.
